As we all know a product’s after-sales service is more important than the product itself , checking one product’s after-sales service’s quality is a really good way to know how is the quality of this product. Today let me tell you guys our after-sales service’s detail .
First thing first , after buying our Rolex Replica Watch, you can choose the way to ship the watch . In terms of shipping methods, two options are available in the store, including EMS and USPS. They delivered my watch via EMS, and I received my watch 9 days after I placed the order. One good thing about the delivery is that it is free.
Our store offers a 30 days exchange or money back guarantee. “You can return your purchase for up to 30 days from the purchase date,” “You can exchange your purchase for up to 30 days from the purchase date,” claims the store. As for the return and exchange, shipping fees must be paid by the customer. I do not check whether the policy works out or not, since I do not need to exchange or return my watch.
Finally , let me talk about customer service to you guys , to contact the customer service staff, you can do it via several ways–PHONE CALL, EMAIL. You can check all the information on the bottom of the page, where the company’s address, phone number, and email address are displayed.